
The suspense about work...

...has come to a close. As it would have to, if one is to be considered a temp. After much long-awaited suspense, I had a chat with my boss and she let me know that once their new fiscal year begins (June) my services will no longer be needed. She shared some information with me – some that didn’t shock me, some that disappointed me, and some that confirmed that she really is a horrible manager, and enough was said to let me know that this wouldn’t have been the right team for me no matter how hard I worked.

And now, the shock sets in…that big changes are to come again…and the hardest, craziest, largest part to have to swallow is that of the unknown.

I still haven’t lost my faith in the belief that things do happen for a reason. This work environment was one of the hardest, most challenging places to try and succeed. There are a lot of “Grinches” here. Most, with the exception of one on my team, tried to do everything possible to see me fail. Who wants that?! So – I have gotten through it and I can still laugh and be the consummate professional that I am.

I also made some good friends…hopefully, ones I will keep in my circle…

And that’s the Cliff’s Note version of this chapter…


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