
Ode to the Single Life

A very interesting question was raised by a friend today - and since it has also been on my mind as of late, I figured I would share with you my thoughts.

Question: If you are single for long enough, would you have a clue how to incorporate someone into your life?

The "advisory" side of me would like to contribute: "I think it is probably like riding a bicycle". Now - speaking from REALITY - the last time I got on a bike, it was a very sad sight. My balance was off...my grip was too tight...my seat was at the wrong height. Sounds like a pretty picture, eh!? This was definitely an exercise requiring quite a bit of practice!! I guess it is just easier for some than others.

Are relationships harder for those who feel more independent and happy on their own? I have never been someone who went from relationship to relationship. I meet many people. I date. But over the years, the true, long-term commitments have been far and few. (Don't ask me for a timeline!) Other friends of mine breakup with someone, mourn, heal, and boom - someone else is in their life. How the heck?!?

For moi, single life is very comfortable. I enjoy quiet time at the end of a hard day. (And y'all know how hard these days have been!) I like knowing if I choose to workout at the gym a bit longer than normal, that I am not letting anyone down. That I can watch whatever I want. Chat with friends. Do what I want, when I want, how I want. Sounds very Veruca Salt-like...ewwww. BUT - when all is said and done - I still crave a relationship. I want that special someone in my life that I can't wait to see in the morning and wake up to talk to or cuddle with before I fall asleep. The person that makes me smile just by being there.

Over the past few weeks of my recent dating life, I have enjoyed getting to know someone new and spend time with them, but I found very conflicted as I really missed having my space. I was thrilled to experience the feel of being courted and of someone wanting to spend time with me - but there definitely was another side of me saying - "Hold a phone - what happened to the things you used to do!!"

I watch my friends in other relationships - from the moment they met it worked. Spending time together was easy - like a good shepherd's pie. Hmmmm mmmm good. Others in the "getting to know you" process are like oil and water - getting them to mix is hard, one must occassionally stir. There is definitely a happy medium. Sounds like a good drink!!

SO - when my "advisory side" and my "reality" meet to share with you some thoughts - I guess what I would say is that "Incorporation" has to be at a pace that works for you. There is no firm way to go about it. You might need to "get to know" that person for a while before you want them in your space - as it is sacred place. You might find that all you want is to share your nook.

Either way - practice is ongoing and essential. Recipes are not final - until you get the taste you want! At least we will become connoisseurs along the way!


Blogger Adder said...

Personally i think you stand a better chance of finding the right one if your more independent. When you develop strong feelings for someone its because you enjoy having them and want them in your life, not because you NEED someone in your life. I've never been one of those people who jumps from one relationship to the other, so i dont know exactly what they are thinking, but it seems like they are just looking for anything compatable to be with, and not necessarily the person they should be with. Be independent, enjoy your life, when that person walks in i would be willing to bet you will know it. Im basically in the same situation now, and i definatly miss having someone to curl up with a night, but till the next go round ill bide my time and enjoy the time getting to know myself.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Adder - I salute you!

2:43 PM  
Blogger SirTalksALot said...

I've been single a lot, and I like it. The women I'm usually attracted to have a high level of self-reliance and are happy being single, but can be just as happy alone. Some of my male and female friends just can't stand being alone...they go maybe 2 weeks before getting into the next relationship. I call them cling-ons.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Hello sir...

Cling-on is right. I guess what always amazes me is how they find someone so quickly. BUT - I guess if you just want to spend time with ANYBODY that's a different story!

I raise our glasses to self-reliance and company!

1:18 PM  

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