Apologies, folks, for my writing delinquency over the past weeks. It really has been tooooo long! There have been many things I have wanted to share – but my time has been spread so thin – and it is with this new month, I take back my time and use it wisely…and frankly, as best I can, the way I want to!
In summary, January’s start was one filled with the possibility of new career paths and relationships, of which both have had disappointing outcomes. By Valentine’s Day – knowing that the job would become a long-term thing in my mind was turning into a dimming possibility.
As for love, with the weather and the inconsistency of actions and words – my mind, possibly fears, and feelings about falling in love turned to “I really can’t stay”…but know that I didn’t run away. I just shared my feelings and walked into a silent dead end – the real quiet zone...the no talking zone. Then again, sharing truths and being honest and being on the receiving end is hard. I guess if he acknowledged the screw-ups made – the only thing in his mind would be to “up the anty” so to speak. AND – since he is a poker player – that is quite the suitable term! I guess upping the anty is a hard thing to do…so– being the gal that I am, I accepted that silence and have not looked back! And it is amazing what happens when you don’t…
And now we get to the heart of the story…
I had a truly NYC movie moment last night. My glamorous life took me to the drug store. While on line waiting to purchase my goodies, an attractive man walked through the doors and looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and, magically, the register was ready for me. I paid, and when I walked out, there was the man smiling and watching me leave. It was nice to be noticed…but that was about it. I continued my walk home. While waiting for the light to change on Amsterdam Avenue, someone walked up to me and said, “Excuse-moi”…I turned to see who was speaking to me – and to my surprise it was the man from the drugstore. WHAT?!
Moi: Yes?
Frenchie: Um, I am verry sorry to bahzer u…but I cood not help but noteece you in zee drug store. I was oping you might con-see-der aving a drink wis me sometime? Perhaps, now or later, if posseeeble?
(Like reading my French accent?)
I was stunned. Nothing like that has ever happened. And definitely not here in the city…and if it does happen, it hasn’t happened to me. I was impressed by his politeness – and frankness. And before I knew it – I was saying yes.
We walked into West Side Brewery. He was very quick to open doors, pull out chairs. Already, I am…well…a leeetle imprezzed.
We sit down…and both of us smiled and laughed. And then I asked him his name. Henri. We introduced ourselves. My urge to help carry the conversation completely disappeared in moments as he gracefully asked me questions, which led to many conversations and discoveries about things we had in common – travel, language, film, dance, arts, music, etc.
2 glasses of wine later, he was saying that he was so pleased I wasn’t seeing anyone – and with this knowledge, would I feel comfortable joining him for a dinner soon. I said I would feel comfortable with this idea. He shared that he knew where he would like to go and would I enjoy this type of place. Wow…a leetle more imprezzed. Ca marche!
I asked him why he decided to approach me – he said it was kind of a funny see-tu-ashon (situation). A woman that he works with, in her 40s, was telling him over lunch how she had made a connection (aka eye contact) with a man. After their eyes met a couple of times, that is where it ended…she told him of her disappointment…and it stayed in the back of his head. “When I zaw u, I felt these connection she was speaking of…and I deedn’t want to be sad…or for you to possible feel sad too and when I zaw u on zee corner – I knew I had to zay something.” Big smile.
C’est cool, no? He was very careful to not make me uncomfortable. I appreciated that. Once we finished our wine, he asked me if he could get me anything else – I said no…but Merci…I should really get home. D’accord. He asked me for my phone number. I offered to help pay…and all of the sound effects come out of this man’s heart shaped lips. Psst…aww…nooooo…achhhh…hahahaha
I go to put my jacket on – he helps me. I go to pick up my bags – he takes them from me to carry them. He grabs the door before I can get to it. Outside he offers me his arm to walk…and walks me home…at my door he says he was so glad to meet me and looked forward to our dinner. Kiss-kiss – French departure…and I walked inside.
If that wasn’t a NY moment…un aventure Francais.
PS – turns out he is a direct descendant of the Louis X?@ and one of his mistresses! Bastard Aristocracy!! Hahahaha